A Case of Non-Communicating Uterine Horn Containing Functional Endometrium

Anjali Rani Madhu, Kumari Shipra
2015 Gynecology & Obstetrics  
Uterine anoamalies are very rare. They can present with complains of amebnorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, bad obstetrical outcome and infertility etc. Unicornuate uterus with rudimentary horn is very rare. The incidence of this is 1/100,000. Normally rudimentary horns are non-functional and non-communicating. But if they have functional endometrium they can develop hematometra. We are presenting a case of hematometra and pain in a patient with rudimentary non communicating horn with functional
more » ... um. Rudimentary horn should be kept as a differential diagnosis in pelvic pain. Gynecology, an open access journal then rudimentary horn with functional endometrium should be kept as differential diagnosis. These patient should be managed by expert surgeon because wrong excision of normal horn can be a big problem for the future life of patient.
doi:10.4172/2161-0932.1000320 fatcat:gbsdpahvxzf2hmpleitvt3lphm