Design Ethics of Eastern Hubei's Rice Farming Implements in the Cultural Heritage and Its Expression of Folk Culture

Sun Jun, Xu Chunni
2018 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural Communication (ICELAIC 2018)   unpublished
In this paper, the typical rice farming implements in Eastern Hubei are placed into the system of implements design as the point. Through the analysis on the cases of traditional farming implements in Eastern Hubei, the design and aesthetics of traditional farming implements in Eastern Hubei are discussed, from which the expression of folk culture in the folk heritage of the farming implements is understood, the historical value as well as the inheritance and communication value of Eastern
more » ... 's rice farming culture heritage are summarized, and the point which may enlightenment of the modern agricultural design is put forward.
doi:10.2991/icelaic-18.2018.149 fatcat:vxygq4yqtzhrvevyvtjhadod3u