Analysis of electromagnetic compatibility of groups of radio-electronic means in mobile communication networks during radio frequency spectrum refarming

Yuliia Kolyadenko, Mykyta Chursanov
2019 Problemi telekomunìkacìj  
The article analyzes the EMC during refarming using the criterion of energy equivalence. The analysis allows us to determine the conditions for maintaining the energy equivalence of the GSM network in the frequency band of the corresponding width, which was planned to create the LTE network during refarming, namely: calculate the allowable number of LTE transmitters at each GSM site when planning sectors and MIMO configurations on them; еstimate (if necessary) the limitation of the radiation
more » ... er of the LTE transmitters. The dependences of the energy equivalence index on the number of frequencies that are not repeated in the receiver band of the RES for various LTE channel widths are obtained. The obtained dependences show a decrease in the energy equivalence indicator with an increase in the number of frequencies that are not repeated. The dependences of the energy equivalence index on the degree of possible limitation of the power of LTE transmitters for various LTE channel widths are obtained. These dependencies show a decrease in the energy equivalence rate while increasing the degree of possible power limitation of LTE transmitters. The dependences of the energy equivalence index on the number of LTE transmitters are obtained for various LTE channel widths, which show an increase in the energy equivalence index with an increase in the number of LTE transmitters. The dependences of the permissible number of LTE transmitters on the LTE channel width are obtained for various values of the number of frequencies that are not repeated in the receiver band of the RES. The analysis showed that it is possible to increase the allowable number of LTE transmitters and observe EMC conditions by increasing the LTE channel width and by increasing the number of frequencies that are not repeated in the receiver band of the RES. The above results allow us to evaluate and plan the possible architecture of the created LTE radio network in specific situations. For example, if for some conditions the allowable number of transmitters on the LTE site is calculated to be insufficient, it can be increased due to some reduction (limitation) of the radiation power of these transmitters, while maintaining energy equivalence.
doi:10.30837/pt.2019.2.04 fatcat:iug3shxzrfgbnp3pbjpzyzoxwy