Jacob Gottstein

1895 The Journal of Laryngology Rhinology and Otology  
ZARNIKO showed a case of perforatio septi simplex. SANGER showed a lady, fifty years old, with myxcedema, treated with success by thyroid tablets. ENGELMANN showed three cases of stammering in children. Michael. Aerztlicher CentralYerein Basel. Meeting, Nov. 3, 189$. FEER has treated three cases of diphtheria with Heilserum with good results, and recommends this method. BECK showed a serum syringe. Michael. ©bttuarp. •Mi JACOB GOTTSTEIN. GERMAN laryngology has lost one of its oldest and most
more » ... ebrated exponents in Gottstein, who died in his sixty-third year. He was a man of great talent and of indefatigable scientific zeal, which enabled him to produce very much .valuable work in otology and laryngology. Great objectivity and strong self-criticism is a sign of all his woi'k, the scientific value of which will not lose by the changing of theories. He was a regular visitor of all special congresses, distributing to others the rich treasure of his great experience. For more than twenty years he was a teacher of laryngology and otology in Breslau, but in spite of his great merits he never obtained that position which he had a right to claim.
doi:10.1017/s1755146300153107 fatcat:apjobdsxtrhkvg5eqnt25i3m5u