Flexible high speed CODEC (FHSC)

1992 14th International Communication Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit   unpublished
This paper describes the on going NASA/Harris FHSC CODEC program. The program objectives are to design and build an encoder decoder that allows operation in either burst or continuous modes at data rates of up to 300 megabits per second. The decoder handles both hard and soft decision decoding and can switch between modes on a burst by burst basis. Bandspreading is low since the code rate is greater than or equal to 7/8. The encoder and a hard decision decoder fit on a single application
more » ... c integrated circuit (ASIC) chip. A soft decision applique is implemented using 300K ECL logic which can be easily translated to an ECL gate array.
doi:10.2514/6.1992-1919 fatcat:clws4pc3sbepzpb2v5mvpynbjq