Critical stresses arising in the destruction of a floating reinforced concrete pontoon

Dina Morozova, Dmitrii Malakhov, D. Bazarov
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
The article discusses the stress-strain state of a reinforced concrete floating pontoon caused by critical stresses before its destruction. The investigation was motivated by the destruction of the pontoon, which occurred under extreme wind and wave impacts. A method for determining wind, wave and current loads is presented. The investigation was carried out on finite element computer models. As a result of the investigation, critical efforts and stresses were obtained, causing the destruction
more » ... f the pontoon. The main conclusion of the conducted investigation is the possibility of using a floating reinforced concrete pontoon in waters with limited values of wind, wave effects and loads from the current.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202126403032 fatcat:hojfyyyu5fcqhgutecf7fsguoe