Olena Pozdniakova
2019 Scientific journal of Khortytsia National Academy No. 1 (2019)  
The article reveals the essence of the educational system, one of the basic concepts of the pedagogical science. For deeper understanding of this phenomenon, scientists' approaches to interpreting the concept of "system" were primarily considered. It was established that the researched concept was identified by scientists as an object, certain unity, dynamic formation consisting of interdependent parts (Andrushchenko V., Ponomaryova H., Kuzmin V.); a set of interacting elements (Shynkaruk V.,
more » ... rtalanffy L.). Various scientific approaches to the definition of "educational system" concept were analyzed in the article. The analysis revealed the fact that in most cases the "educational system" is treated by scientists as a certain set of interrelated components (Berezyna V., Yermakov I., Kojaspirova H., Kojaspirov A., Karakovsky V., Lenev Y., Luchaninova O., Manuilov Y., Nechiporenko V., Novikova L., Pohorila I., Selivanova N.); the following general and specific characteristics of the educational system and its functions are marked in the definitions of the educational system concept: the system provides the implementation of goals, contributes to the overall harmonious development of the personality, creates space for self-realization and implementation of life goals, etc. (Lenev Y., Rapacevich E., Luchaninova O.); in our study we consider the concept of "educational system" as a structured set of components (purpose, subjects of education, their activity, communication, relations, human potential, material base). Their well- coordinated functioning ensures the development and self-realization for all participants of the pedagogical process. The results of the research will reveal the key methodological aspects related to the process of building the educational system in educational and rehabilitation institutions; educational space creation as an important mechanism for functioning of the educational system in educational and rehabilitation institutions; technologizing of the educational system which implies the compliance with general educational principles; improvements in functioning and management processes of separate system components in educational and rehabilitation institutions.
doi:10.51706/2707-3076-2019-1-4 fatcat:wwtm7v2xfbbmvfxczojwa35lny