Fermionic currents in AdS spacetime with compact dimensions

S. Bellucci, A. A. Saharian, V. Vardanyan
2017 Physical Review D  
We derive a closed expression for the vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the fermionic current density in a (D+1)-dimensional locally AdS spacetime with an arbitrary number of toroidally compactified Poincare spatial dimensions and in the presence of a constant gauge field. The latter can be formally interpreted in terms of a magnetic flux treading the compact dimensions. In the compact subspace, the field operator obeys quasiperiodicity conditions with arbitrary phases. The VEV of the charge
more » ... sity is zero and the current density has nonzero components along the compact dimensions only. They are periodic functions of the magnetic flux with the period equal to the flux quantum and tend to zero on the AdS boundary. Near the horizon, the effect of the background gravitational field is small and the leading term in the corresponding asymptotic expansion coincides with the VEV for a massless field in the locally Minkowski bulk. Unlike the Minkowskian case, in the system consisting an equal number of fermionic and scalar degrees of freedom, with same masses, charges and phases in the periodicity conditions, the total current density does not vanish. In these systems, the leading divergences in the scalar and fermionic contributions on the horizon are canceled and, as a consequence of that, the charge flux, integrated over the coordinate perpendicular to the AdS boundary, becomes finite. We show that in odd spacetime dimensions the fermionic fields realizing two inequivalent representations of the Clifford algebra and having equal phases in the periodicity conditions give the same contribution to the VEV of the current density. Combining the contributions from these fields, the current density in odd-dimensional C-,P- and T -symmetric models are obtained. As an application, we consider the ground state current density in curved carbon nanotubes.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.96.065025 fatcat:dsygbsjtebeapiimrljsoyb2ya