A modern mathematical method for filtering noise in low count experiments

M.E. Medhat
2015 Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection  
In the pro posed work, a novel ap pli ca tion of a nu mer i cal and func tional anal y sis based on the dis crete wave let trans form is dis cussed. The math e mat ics of im prov ing sig nals and re mov ing noises are de scribed. Re sults ob tained show that the method used in a va ri ety of gamma spectra is su pe rior to other tech niques. U radu je razmotrena nova primena numeri~ke i funkcionalne analize zasnovana na diskretnoj talasnoj transformaciji i opisan je matemati~ki postupak za
more » ... awe signala i odstrawivawe {uma. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je metoda primewena na raznovrsnim gama spektrima u prednosti nad drugim tehnikama.
doi:10.2298/ntrp1504260m fatcat:aul7cweumrcrzp5yk6kstsi2ie