Introduction [chapter]

Patricia Mindus
2017 European Citizenship after Brexit  
The book aims to explain the problems faced by European citizens in the UK and by UK citizens residing in member states of the European Union (EU) after Brexit. Particular emphasis is laid on freedom of movement and rights relating to residence. A conceptually solid approach is suggested so as to disentangle the various aspects of the question. No matter its shape, Brexit will need to imply changing the territorial scope of application of the EU Treatises. This will bring changes to the
more » ... sphere of validity of EU law. The citizenry is expected to shrink in size and change in composition, and some parts of it will be left in potentially vulnerable positions. Keywords European citizenship Á Brexit Á United Kingdom Á Freedom of movement Á Right of residence Á EU law
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51774-2_1 fatcat:4shm5v5zfvc2dca73xhx3do64a