Comparison between seismic retrofitting solutions for existing reinforced concrete buildings: a case study

Francesco Porco, Andrea Fiore, Siro Casolo
2014 International Journal of Structural Engineering  
In assessing the safety of existing buildings, the specific actions dedicated to the knowledge of the structure delineate the parameters of the linear or non-linear analysis aimed at identifying the most appropriate structural intervention. In this context, the present paper collects the seismic analysis of a school building in reinforced concrete, illustrating the different stages concerning the acquisition of geometrical and mechanical data, problems about structural modelling and the
more » ... of the seismic retrofitting proposed. In closing, a critical comparison between the results derived from some techniques frequently used to seismically improve existing structures.
doi:10.1504/ijstructe.2014.063035 fatcat:7w35uuu6kffqpnfe6eqr7ub75e