Coupled channel approach to the structure of theX(3872)

P. G. Ortega, J. Segovia, D. R. Entem, F. Fernández
2010 Physical Review D  
We perform a coupled channel calculation of the DD^* and cc̅ sectors in the framework of a constituent quark model. The interaction for the DD^* states is obtained using the Resonant Group Method (RGM) and the underlying quark interaction model. The coupling with the two quark system is performed using the ^3 P_0 model. The X(3872) is found as a molecular state with a sizable cc̅ component. A comparison with Belle and BaBar data has been done, finding a good agreement. Other possible molecular molecular states are discussed.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.81.054023 fatcat:bmqlz2q33valbhv2kl5nnk5rnq