O. V. Yaremchuk
Derzhavne upravlinnya udoskonalennya ta rozvytok
УДК 37.015 О. В. Яремчук, викладач кафедри терапевтичних дисциплін, Львівський інститут медсестринства та лабораторної медицини ім. А. Крупинського КРАЩІ ЗАРУБІЖНІ ПРАКТИКИ В СІМЕЙНІЙ МЕДИЦИНІ: ДОСВІД ДЛЯ УКРАЇНИ O. V. Yaremchuk lecturer of the department of therapeutic disciplines, A. Krupinsky Institute of Nursing and Health laboratory medicine of Lviv BEST FOREIGN PRACTICES IN FAMILY MEDICINE: EXPERIENCE FOR UKRAINE У статті визначено сутність та роль сімейної медицини в житті кожної людини,
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... розкрито зарубіжний досвід з реалізації якісної первинної медико-санітарної допомоги, зокрема таких країн як: Німеччина, США, Франція, Австралія, Канада, Туреччина, Македонія та інші, з метою подальшого його впровадження в українську медичну галузь. Крім того, досліджено питому вагу лікарів сімейної медицини у країнах світу. Детальне вивчення зарубіжного досвіду впровадження та розвитку сімейної медицини, дало можливість визначити позитивні та негативні моменти з ціллю запозичення міжнародного досвіду для української медичної сфери. It is known that without a healthy nation, it is not possible to build a state, strengthen the economy, improve the education industry, raise from the ruins and develop a number of other spheres of life. Therefore, the task of realizing perfect medicine and providing quality medical care should always be at the center of the attention of the government of each country. Today, Ukraine is undergoing reform of the entire health care system, however, so that everything happens at the highest level and in order to achieve its goals, it is worth examining and analyzing the experience of other countries in order to further implement the best examples in domestic practice. According to the experience of developed countries, about 70-80% of health problems can be solved by asking a family doctor. It is the development of family medicine that has helped many countries overcome the difficult times of crisis in medicine. Note that family medicine is a comprehensive medical aid, in which particular attention is paid to the family, for which the physician is responsible for the health. The family doctor is focused on the implementation of medical and preventive functions, assessment of the personality of the patient, his mental health. The range of problems solved by the family doctor is much wider than that of a district therapist and a narrow specialist in the clinic. The urgency of the topic of the development of family medicine in Ukraine, based on international experience, has intensified by the latest political and economic events in the country, which, in turn, raised the level of state responsibility for the health of the population, the quality of provision of medical care and the level of provision of its most remote towns and villages. It is the quality of medical care that is properly influenced by the well-organized work of the primary link. However, for the time being, these issues are painful for Ukraine, so it is advisable to study the experience of foreign countries with the goal of correct resolution of this problem.