An Investigation into the Participation of Women in Industrial Research and Development (R&D) in the North East of England

Pooran Wynarczyk
2006 Proceedings of the 14th Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference and Doctoral Workshop 2006   unpublished
This paper attempts to examine the level of participation of women in industrial research and development (R&D) in the North East of England, a region with low level of R&D intensity and innovation activities when compared with more prosperous regions such as the South East. Women in R&D is, relatively, a new topic of European Commission research and policy and, as a result, data on female participation in industrial R&D at a regional level is minimal. The empirical results presented in this
more » ... er, based on a sample of 60 scientific SMEs, demonstrate that the gender gap in R&D employment, particularly at senior levels, is stark in the North East.
doi:10.3990/2.268616898 fatcat:plybzvlijzbi7dyqfepbhaorpi