clinico surgical experience of thyroglossal duct cysts in a tertiary care hospital of Southern Odisha

Sworup Nanda Mallick, Santosh Kumar Patro, Swapna Mahapatra, Lachhaman Bag, Sanjit Kumar Nayak, Suvendu Amitav
2022 International Journal of Health Sciences  
The thyroglossal duct cyst (TDC, also known as the thyroglossal tract remnant, or TTR) is a well-known developmental anomaly that affects roughly 7% of the population. It often manifests as a movable, painless lump. Objectives: to report our 2 years of clinical experience with thyroglossal cysts in terms of clinical aspects and surgical findings. Materials and methods: This study was conducted in Department of General Surgery, MKCG Medical College and Hospital, Berhampur over a period of 24
more » ... hs from July 2019- June 2021. Results: The majority (72.72%) were under the age of fifteen. Patients aged 16 -30 years made about 24.24% of the patient population. Males made up 63.63 % of the population, while females made up 36.36%. 88% of patients had neck swelling when they arrived. 15.15% of patients exhibited erythema/redness over swelling, and 18.18% felt tenderness. 15.15% of patients at presentation had painful swelling and deglutination. 18.8% of patients reported having experienced recurrent neck swelling in the previous two years, while 12.12 % only had recurring discharge from the midline neck.
doi:10.53730/ijhs.v6ns5.10715 fatcat:iws5ig2jjvfpdfgwj2wabgrc2q