دراسة نقدية في تأصيل نظرية الفن الإسلامي

عبدالله بن دخيل الله عوض الثقفي
2016 مجلة کلية الآداب  
This study attempts to explore the criticism foundations. In addition, the theory of criticism of Islamic Art of Orientalist and non-Orientalist (Arab and Muslim) the theory of Islamic Art. So that we can, through those criticism foundations and theories of criticism, understand how Islamic Art Theory built. This study discusses the emergence of Islamic Art and the philosophy surrounding it. Also This study discusses the criticism of Orientalist and non-Orientalist perceptions about the concept of Islamic Art. And about rooting
doi:10.21608/bfa.2016.232116 fatcat:dzbxwirfxbhstogku2bw7yonr4