Bond-length distribution in tetrahedral versus octahedral semiconductor alloys: The case ofGa1−xInxN

L. Bellaiche, S.-H. Wei, Alex Zunger
1997 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
Large (Ϸ1000 atoms) supercell valence force-field simulations are used to investigate the nearest-neighbor bond-length distribution in relaxed tetrahedral ͑zinc blende and wurtzite͒ and octahedral ͑rocksalt͒ Ga 1Ϫx In x N alloys. We find that, due to the rigidity of the octahedron, the distribution of each anion-cation bond length in rocksalt alloys has two contributions: unrelaxed bonds and relaxed bonds. These two peaks have a large width and overlap slightly, leading to a broad
more » ... or distance distribution. On the other hand, the anioncation nearest-neighbor distribution in zinc-blende alloys can be decomposed into a sum over four closely spaced and sharp peaks associated with different clusters, leading to a narrow, single-peaked nearest-neighbor distribution. Finally the wurtzite alloys exhibit bond-length distributions that are very similar to the corresponding ones in the zinc-blende alloys, leading to a nearly identical strain energy in random zinc-blende and wurtzite alloys.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.56.13872 fatcat:4qieiyxybbcgjkzcutypipuymy