Semi-supervised learning for visual relation annotation [thesis]

Mitra Tajrobehkar
Through my four-year PhD, I have come to realize that each person I talked with, worked with, met with has changed the trajectory of my life. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisors Professor Joo-Hwee Lim and Professor Hanwang Zhang that I was very fortunate to pursue my PhD under their supervisions. Beyond the detailed suggestions they both have given to my research, they have also given me much valuable advice, for my professional career and my outlook on
more » ... ife. I would also like to thank Professor Shijian Lu, for his advice during my first year of my PhD. I would like to thank to my committee members Professor Cuntai Guan, and Dr. Liyuan Li for theirs comments on my research progress on TAC meetings.
doi:10.32657/10356/161913 fatcat:mfd7yeqg4ngghl767fl3ryli4q