Factors of Knowledge Termination

2013 IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
Knowledge is part of human nature. Much of man's search or quest is to know or have knowledge on one thing or the other. Wisdom (knowledge) is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7). Man is by nature apt to know and to have knowledge of the abstruse things and situations in the universe that he finds himself. But there are some issues, characteristics, instances and situations that militate the free-flow of knowledge acquisition. In effect, when one begins to abhor knowledge and embrace ignorance
more » ... is abnormal. When one begins to select what he should know at the expense of other knowledge, then he is losing some sort of knowledge. Knowledge is the pursuit and possession of clarity, certainty and truth for the solution of human problems. Hence, lack of the zeal to know and/or lack of knowledge and knowledge by selection make one less knowledgeable, less informed, less successful and less human -'my people perish for lack of knowledge (wisdom)'. In this paper, attempts are made to outline the factors that hamper and terminate knowledge in human beings as teachers and/or learners.
doi:10.9790/0837-1353032 fatcat:ytavz5hpljcptoawf7fjay3gym