Extensive resection for treatment of locally advanced primary mucinous adenocarcinoma arising from fistula-in-ano

Jordan Au, Mike Hulme-Moir, Andrew Herd, Mat Kozman
2019 Annals of Coloproctology  
We report a case of a 66 year old male with an unusual case of mucinous adenocarcinoma associated with fistula-in-ano. The presentation was typical for fistula-in-ano with anal pain and chronic discharge. Standard treatment with resection and seton were carried out. Subsequent review of the histology revealed underlying adenocarcinoma and upon review of MRI imaging showed possible extensive local invasion. Features of this case are discussed together with its implications, including treatment
more » ... idelines and typical MRI findings. Extensive pelvic resection and reconstruction was undertaken due to the locally advance disease to reduce the risk of recurrence.
doi:10.3393/ac.2019.11.19 pmid:32054254 fatcat:ietmcaqolvei5mamt26o3bu4le