Parents' role in prevention of childhood obesity [letter]

Shireen Shehzad Bhamani
Madam, childhood obesity has reached an epidemic proportion in developing countries, including Pakistan. A Karachi-based survey in 2005 showed a prevalence of 5.7% for obesity among children 1 whereas a recent Lahore-based study found an even higher prevalence of 7.5%. 2 The impact of obesity on the lives is devastating when measured in terms of morbidity, mortality and disabilities. Pakistan, being poor in economic and health indicators, cannot afford the emerging costs of obesity epidemics. 3
more » ... Thus, every effort should be made to prevent and modify unhealthy lifestyles by increasing health promotion measures while the condition is still in its early phase. Parent-based interventions can be of great importance if we want to start the prevention of childhood obesity from home.
pmid:23901728 fatcat:hw7evjdvrffxlkicn6bwly7inu