Post-Industrial Areas Management, Evaluation of the Area's Suitability for Redevelopment – Case Study

Krzysztof Michalski
2020 Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering  
AbstractThe transformation of the Polish economy during the period of its transformation from a planned socialist economy into a market economy resulted, among others, in the emergence of a large number of post-industrial areas which are no longer used. Located often in developed urban areas, with many disadvantages such as contamination or unstable ownership status, they are not of interest to investors. Exploiting the potential they undoubtedly have would in many cases require the investment
more » ... f considerable resources, but in order for these to be allocated to the investment, the investor expects to gain complete knowledge of the character and specificity of the place. The article is an example of a preliminary analysis of a selected post-industrial area, which helps to outline the direction of future area redevelopment.
doi:10.2478/mape-2020-0055 fatcat:reuyqbauvnf3xiwq4xzkcl4srm