The Daily Texan
University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
If you weren't satisfied with a full week of holidays for Christm as; in 1943, stick around for eleven months. You'll get only five and one-half days in 1944, including a Sunday, the general faculty de cided Tuesday afternoon when it approved the 1944-45 University calendar submitted by the Admin istrative Council. The holidays will begin at I o'clock on Saturday, December 23. Classes will be resumed at 8 o'clock on Friday, December 29. The faculty also heard President Rainey praise the
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... tion be tween University personnel and Navy officers, voted to investigate the simplification of registration procedure, and listened to a pre liminary report by a committee studying group hospitalization for staff members. ★ Students will register for the summer-fall semester on Thurs day, July 6, and will meet classes the next day. The only holiday will be on September I, the day of the Carl Sandburg Will Com e To Campus January 2 0 B y F A Y E LO YD A wire received late Tuesday afternoon by the Union forum speakers committee stated that the overwhelming favorite in the recent student speakers poll, Carl Sandburg, would be on the Uni versity campus January 20 to lec ture on " What Abraham Lincoln Would Do Today." J. Frank Dobie once said of the famous poet, biographer, and lec turer, "Carl Sandburg is a man of great sympathy, a man of sen sitive responsiveness, and a man of expansive nature. He is a com radely fellow, not boistrous, not a glad-hander, but he is genial with people that he likes." Pro fessor Dobie became acquainted with Sandburg intimately w-hen the latter was in Austin in 1923. fall term registration. Final exam-The poet, was the guest of John inations will end on Friday,1 Lomax J r . , author of " Cowboy October 27. ; Songs." According to an Austin Classes in the 1944-45 w i n t e r paper, t h e three men went to east Austin and remained in a Negro restaurant listening to songs un-M orning l l -Miss Ethel Bowers speaks to freshman girls, Women's Gym. 11:15-" Reading Is Adventure," from Radio House, WOAI. Potential ensigns are W . T.