Teaching Picture Storybooks via E-learning Platforms

Miloš Blahút
2017 International Journal on Language Literature and Culture in Education  
The picture storybooks have gone through a major transformation since their modern versions appeared in the 1950si. Modern and postmodern picture story books "have a great potential with their flexibility, based on a great variety of picture-text interplay, a wide range of themes, richness of aims and functions" (Bobulová, et al., 2003, p. 88-89). In the online distance learning course, education will be carried out on the basis of interaction between the learner and material (stored and
more » ... ed in Moodle Platform, for instance), and between other participants in the educational process, that is, the instructor and other learners. The advantage of teaching children's literature, especially picture story books, via E-learning platforms, is twofold: firstly, readers take their time to go through the reading materials and work on their own; secondly, it gives them space and time to prepare for the task assigned by the instructor appropriately and effectively by paying close attention to all the details, which, due to shortage of time allocated in face-to-face education (classroom environment) would be impossible. This paper presents not only advantages of such learning, but also sample tasks learners may encounter while participating in the online distance learning.
doi:10.1515/llce-2017-0008 fatcat:2dgjwr6invh7ffj5klxett7hr4