CT Findings in Patients with Esophageal Carcinoma and Its Correlation with Esophagographic Findings

Basudev Agrawal
2018 Open Journal of Radiology  
Aim of the Study: Aim of this study is to evaluate the patients of biopsy proven esophageal carcinoma with Contrast CT studies (CECT thorax, abdomen or neck), correlate and compare the CT findings with esophagographic findings in each case and with biopsy findings wherever possible. Materials and Methods: Fifty (50) biopsy proven cases of esophageal carcinoma were taken into study in Radiology Department of Govt. Medical College, Patiala, Punjab after informed consents. All the patients
more » ... t esophagography with barium sulphate as the contrast material and contrast enhanced CT scan of neck and/or thorax and/or abdomen. In all cases, esophagographic study preceded the CT scan. The time gap between the two studies was kept to the minimum to make the studies comparable. Results: The CT findings were found to have significant correlation with the esophagographic findings (p value > 0.05 in each finding) in regard to luminal narrowing, proximal dilatation and hold up of contrast, eccentricity of growth, site involved, length of growth, involvement of pyriform sinuses/valeculla and involvement of GE junction. Conclusions: CT study primarily helps to rule out unresectable or distant metastatic disease. Barium studies cannot provide any information regarding local invasion into mediastinal structures, regional or non-regional lymphadenopathy or metastases to distant organs which are significant for determining the treatment modality. CT has an advantage over esophagography for these information.
doi:10.4236/ojrad.2018.82013 fatcat:jmahi4pezve5he5nhlcm5pt6mi