The Formation of 14H-LPSO in Mg–9Gd–2Y–2Zn–0.5Zr Alloy during Heat Treatment

Yunfang Liu, Yaqin Yang, Ming Yi, Jianmin Yu, Baocheng Li, Zhimin Zhang
2021 Materials  
There is a new long-period stacking ordered structure in Mg–RE–Zn magnesium alloys, namely the LPSO phase, which can effectively improve the yield strength, elongation, and corrosion resistance of Mg alloys. According to different types of Mg–RE–Zn alloy systems, two transformation modes are involved in the heat treatment transformation process. The first is the alloy without LPSO phase in the as-cast alloy, and the MgxRE phase changes to 14H-LPSO phase. The second is the alloy containing LPSO
more » ... hase in the as-cast state, and the 14H-LPSO phase is obtained by the transformations of 6H, 18R, and 24R. The effects of different solution parameters on the second phase of Mg–9Gd–2Y–2Zn–0.5Zr alloy were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The precipitation mechanism of 14H-LPSO phase during solution treatment was further clarified. At a solution time of 13 h, the grain size increased rapidly initially and then decreased slightly with increasing solution temperature. The analysis of the volume fraction of the second phase and lattice constant showed that Gd and Y elements in the alloy precipitated from the matrix and formed 14H-LPSO phase after solution treatment at 490 °C for 13 h. At this time, the hardness of the alloy reached the maximum of 74.6 HV. After solution treatment at 500 °C for 13 h, the solid solution degree of the alloy increases, and the grain size and hardness of the alloy remain basically unchanged.
doi:10.3390/ma14195758 pmid:34640155 fatcat:jj52lqc2bbh4pnjjk7cuwswiri