Suggestion of a new nursing model: Environment focused cultural competency modelHemşirelikte yeni bir model önerisi: Çevre odaklı kültürel yeterlilik modeli

Gülbu Tanrıverdi
Journal of Human Sciences   unpublished
Cultural competency purports to have the knowledge, understanding and ability to provide acceptable care to people from different cultural groups. Models are used as guides in the development of cultural competency. The new model suggested in this paper addresses the process of cultural competency and the outcomes of this process for nurses, individuals and institutions. The core of the model is human, a biological being when she is born. Humans environment consists of social instituons shaped
more » ... y culture. These social instituons including family, education, law, industry, religion, health, economy, and politics are affected by each other and culture. This effect varies by society, being shaped by different processes. Each society has social instituons, which shape the people living in these social instituons and provide them with various cultural characteristics. The model addresses cultural competence as an ongoing process from birth to death. Professional training is regarded as necessary, but not the sole factor, in the improvement of the cultural competence among nurses.