Development of "MEL HORSE"

H. Takeuchi
Proceedings 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No.99CH36288C)  
MEL HORSE has been developed for studying quadruped robot and biped robot. Biped robot "MEL Deinonychus II" is a fore-portion of "MEL HORSE II". To develop legged robot, we can not avoid the problem how to control the robot real-timely. Control of ZMP(Zero Moment Point) is indispensable in order for a legged type robot to dynamic walk. Conventionally, control of ZMP prepared a trajectory with which it is satis¯ed of ZMP by which o®-line calculation was carried out beforehand, and control which
more » ... s made to follow this has been tried. By the conventional method, in order optimization calculation is required in order to calculate true ZMP, and this took huge calculation time, o®-line calculation had to be carried out. Moreover, if it depends on o®-line calculation, the situation which is not expected when carrying out real-time control of the robot cannot be coped with. This paper describes ZMP control using Receding Horizon Control which is the technique of the real-time optimization which can cope with such a thing. According to this technique, it is possible to generate a ZMP reference trajectory autonomously on real time.
doi:10.1109/robot.1999.772458 dblp:conf/icra/Takeuchi99 fatcat:y5jbtbwhtvaltccnugmwu7ncnm