Study of phase transformations in complex phase steel using a mesoscale cellular automaton model Part II: Experiments and Validation

Jaroslaw Opara, Roman Kuziak
2020 Journal of Metallic Materials  
A two-dimensional mesoscale model based on the concept of hybrid cellular automata was used to study phase transformations in a complex phase steel during continuous cooling. This model enables simulation of the decomposition of austenite into ferrite, bainite, and martensite, accompanied by calculations of volume and grain boundary diffusion of carbon. In effect, as a result, one can observe the morphology of simulated microstructures, corresponding carbon segregation as well as microhardness
more » ... istribution. These results with the kinetics of austenite to ferrite phase transformation and predicted values of the complex phase steel hardness are the subject of model validation. A series of dilatometric experiments were carried out with constant cooling rates in order to construct a CCT diagram and validate the presented model. The convergence of simulated results with empirical outcomes was confirmed quantitatively using a dedicated goal function and data summaries in the table and graphs. However, some qualitative and quantitative discrepancies in terms of microstructure morphology are indicated which was possible thanks to applying a wide range of different validation parameters of the model. It is emphasized how crucial is the use of appropriate validation methodology.
doi:10.32730/imz.2657-747.20.3.3 fatcat:zgdsv4gecrgetmuiflpuafu6ka