Respiratory Vaccination

Sang-Won Park
2011 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases  
Vaccination in adults is recommended according to the age group and underlying diseases or risks of exposure. Patients with chronic diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are susceptible to infectious diseases and related serious complications. They need risk-related vaccination along with age-related vaccination. Both influenza and pneumococcal vaccination are recommended in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. They are additive if administered
more » ... . Pertussis vaccination is also needed in adolescents and adults. Although there is strong need for these vaccinations, the actual vaccination rate is low. Measures to effectively enhance the vaccination rate are needed.
doi:10.4046/trd.2011.70.6.457 fatcat:xpmlexc4bbdnpotq7wtfsfv7rm