PSF correction in soft x-ray tomography [article]

Axel Ekman, Venera Weinhardt, Jian-Hua Chen, Gerry McDermott, Mark Le Gros, Carolyn Larabell
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
In this manuscript, we introduce a linear approximation of the forward model of soft x-ray tomography (SXT), such that the reconstruction is solvable by standard iterative schemes. This linear model takes into account the three-dimensional point spread function (PSF) of the optical system, which consequently enhances the reconstruction data.The feasibility of the model is demonstrated on both simulated and experimental data, based on theoretically estimated and experimentally measured PSFs.
doi:10.1101/260737 fatcat:5xauljs4hbccdjg3fmh4tzzfwm