Recombinant phage coated 1D Al2O3 nanostructures for controlling the adhesion and proliferation of endothelial cells

Juseok Lee, Hojeong Jeon, Ayman Haidar, Hashim Abdul-Khaliq, Michael Veith, Cenk Aktas, Youngjun Kim, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
A novel synthesis of a nanostructured cell adhesive surface is investigated for future stent developments. One-dimensional (1D) Al2O3 nanostructures were prepared by chemical vapor deposition of a single source precursor. Afterwards, recombinant filamentous bacteriophages which display a short binding motif with a cell adhesive peptide (RGD) on p3 and p8 proteins were immobilized on these 1D Al2O3 nanostructures by a simple dip-coating process to study the cellular response of human endothelial
more » ... EA hy.926. While the cell density decreased on as-deposited 1D Al2O3 nanostructures, we observed enhanced cell proliferation and cell-cell interaction on recombinant phage overcoated 1D Al2O3 nanostructures. The recombinant phage overcoating also supports an isotropic cell spreading rather than elongated cell morphology as we observed on as-deposited Al2O3 1D nanostructures.
doi:10.34657/8690 fatcat:est7omaflzge5c5af2osw5ezlq