The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
ti hest le a l fie I ittd -I ik( In t ed hest epa I ; fir Hot; s (ii i nt s Bel Dal prai' zo-s dii! i t o i ira! JU S t M th I Latin-American Personnel Meet Friday at 4 Council to Hear Four-Man Panel O f Faculty The Texas Personnel Council, composed of department heads and other faculty members inter ested in student personnel work, will hear a four-man panel pro gram on the Latin-American Insti tute and the personnel program for Latin-American students at their meeting Friday afternoon,
more » ... y 16, at 4 o'clock in Texas Union 309-311. T h e T exa n V O L 46 Price Five Cents The First C o l l e g e D aily In the S outh AUSTIN, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY^ FEBRUARY 14,7945 ~Four Pages Today No. 109 Frisch Peace to Discuss Leadership "The Great Decision-The Same Old World or a Better O ne?" will be lectured on by Rabbi Ephraim Frisch in the I Geology Building 14, at 8 o'clock Wednesday when he will ; discuss whether Americans should assume responsibility > and leadership in establishing the peace. Dr. Frisch, rabbi of Temple Beth-El in San Antonio from I 1923-42, is appearing at the University under the joint' • | auspices of the Public Lectures Committee of the University G and tho C n m m i h m 'o n t a S t n B v th o rirorQm^ati'nn Faculty members who will com prise the panel are Andres Carlos Gonzales, co-ordinator of inter-American student activities; Dr. < buries Hackett, professor of' an(j ^e Commission to Study the Organization of Peace. o f ™ ? ! The latter organization sponsor, the fedoras of IOC of it" lish and educational psychology; ! and Jesse Villarreal, assistant pro fessor of speech.
doi:10.26153/tsw/26597 fatcat:pay3fflcyfgznfsi2m3krd365e