Evolution of Distribution Channels in Entertainment Industry

Hongyu Duan
2022 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
The entertainment industry's distribution channels have now progressed through four stages. People spread through word of mouth in the first stage, books and magazines in the second stage, television in the third stage, and now, in the fourth stage, various mobile phone applications. The ability to receive news quickly and easily has resulted in great convenience, and everyone's life has become rich and colorful. Furthermore, the status of message producers and receivers is always changing.
more » ... the beginning of the inequality to the present, receivers have the ability to delete videos they do not like. In the entertainment industry, audiences hold a commanding position. People will consume for their favorite shows or celebrities, and they will delete content they don't like right away. As a result, the relationship between the message maker and the audience has become very important, because the message maker requires more feedback messages to make adjustments to different projects to meet the needs of people today, rather than arbitrarily promoting entertainment based on their own ideas.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.220105.065 fatcat:zjhqwvmbtba2higk2mip5yttwu