Double random phase encryption scheme to multiplex and simultaneous encode multiple images

Ayman Alfalou, Ali Mansour
2009 Applied Optics  
To cite this version: Ayman Alfalou, Ali Mansour. A new double random phase encryption scheme to multiplex and simultaneous encode multiple images. Abstract: In this manuscript, a new approach of multiplexing & simultaneous encoding of target images is presented. Our approach can enhance the encryption level of a classical "DRP" system, by adding a supplementary security layer. The new approach can be divided into two security layers. The first layer is called the multiplexing level which
more » ... ts in using iterative Fourier transformations along with several encryption key-images. These latter can be a set of biometrical images. At the second layer, we are using a classical DRP system. The two layers enable us to encoding several target images (multi-encryption) and to reduce, at the same time, the requested decoded information (transmitted or storage information).
doi:10.1364/ao.48.005933 pmid:19881661 fatcat:xkfwhg5jtrdprhzy72r3nmgok4