The Primary Electroviscous Effect Some Numerical Estimates from Booth's Theory

1973 Zenodo  
Department of Chemistry, Science College, Calcutta.-9 Manuscript received 6 January 1973; revised 4 August 1973; accepted 20 September 1973 The theoretical expressions of Srnoluchowski and Booth for the primary electroviscous effect in suspensions of charged particles have been considered. The range of kα values over which the computed numerical values of the Booth function Z(kα) were hitherto available from the plots given by Booth, has been considerably expanded by use of the limiting forms
more » ... the func­tion Z(kα) for large and small values of kα; and it has been shown that log[π b2(1+b)2Z(b)] is very nearly linear over a limited range of moderate values of kα. The electrostatic contribution to viscosity in suspensions of non-conducting charged spherical particles has been calculated as function of kα for two systems of limiting simplicity, viz., (i) constant \(\zeta\) potential, and (ii) constant \(\zeta\) and particle radius a.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6424024 fatcat:l4o767rkbbhtvhpbqtqp2tmg5q