Research on Relative Coordinate Localization of Nodes Based on Topology Control

Hongbin Ma, Xiaojie Xu, Yingli Wang, Danyang Qin, Wei Zhuang
2018 Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing  
The global energy and time overhead of the network is affected by the number of anchors and topology structures in wireless sensor network localization. A relative coordinate localization algorithm based on topology control is proposed for shortening time overhead and reducing the number of anchors in positioning stage. This algorithm makes unknown nodes be localized in the deployment of network and provide new thinking on co-designing between topology and node localization based on cross-layer
more » ... design. At the beginning of the formation of network topology, when information is exchanged between nodes, pass the distance information and make use of it to generate the relative coordinates of the unknown node without anchors introduced.
dblp:journals/jihmsp/MaXWQZ18 fatcat:hlh5pqb6vrblrozagejzupbphe