Combating credit fraud: experience of Ukraine and some other European Countries

Volodymyr Cherniei, Serhii Cherniavskyi, Alexander Dzhuzha, Viktoria Babanina
2021 Revista Amazonía investiga  
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of combating fraud in the field of finance, in particular, combating crimes in the field of lending. The experience of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies in combating credit fraud has been studied. The experience of some European Union countries in combating financial fraud is analyzed. To achieve the goal of the paper a set of general scientific and special methods was used, such as method of system-structural analysis, dogmatic
more » ... ogical), historical, general sociological, comparative-legal method and others. It is concluded in the article that the rules of criminal law of Ukraine establish more severe penalties for some crimes compared to EU countries. For example, this applies to crimes in the field of money laundering. On the other hand, some offenses that do not qualify as crimes in Ukraine are recognized as criminal offenses in the EU. For example, this applies to abuses in the field of insurance. According to the results of the study, the solution of some important issues is proposed such as improvement of the current legislation in the field of credit and financial relations, adaptation of the legislation of Ukraine to international norms and standards in the system of credit and financial relations.
doi:10.34069/ai/2021.42.06.9 fatcat:63b62kkb7vbiva6navntp2tzmu