Correlation Between Parent's Education Level and Frequency of Therapy with The Quality of Life in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Sylvia Evelyn Aritonang, Marietta Shanti Prananta, Marina A. Moeliono
1970 Indonesian Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation  
Introduction : Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most frequent cause of disability in children, CP has high risk to havelower quality of life (QoL) . There were several factors may have a relationship with quality of life (QoL) ofchildren with CP. The aim is to determine the correlation of QOL of patients with Cerebral Palsy.Methods : this study was a cross-sectional study, 60 subjects, children with CP aged 2–12 y.o divided into threegroups depend on age;2–4, 5–7, and 6–12 years old. The subjects'
more » ... was measured using Pediatric ScaleQuality of Life (PedsQoL)Results: Study of 60 children with CP consisted 38 (63,3%) of male, were divided in three groups of age,respectively; 2-4 y.o; 12(20%), 5-7 y.o; 13 (21,7%), 8-12 y.o; 13(21,7%). Father's and mother's education levelwere primary school, junior, and senior high school respectively; 18(30%) and 18(30%), 9(15%) and 22(37%),33(55%) and 20 (33%). Frequency of therapy were less than 4 times/week was 31(51,7%), and 4 times/weekwas 29 (28,3%). There were a strong positive correlation between father's and mother's education level withPedsQoL; (r=0,67;p=0,00) and (r=0,70;p=0,00) , as well as between the frequency of therapy with PedsQoL;(r=0,69;p=0,00).Conclusion: Higher mother's and father's education level have correlation with higher PedsQoL,Keyword: cerebral palsy, pediatric quality of life, parent's education level, frequency of therapy
doi:10.36803/ijpmr.v5i02.205 fatcat:2c3e7237jrfuhlz72exa5kedme