High-precision performance testing of the LHC power converters

M. Bastos, A. Cantone, P. Dreesen, G. Fernqvist, O. Fournier, G. Hudson
2007 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC)  
The magnet power converters for LHC were procured in three parts, power part, current transducers and control electronics, to enable a maximum of industrial participation in the manufacturing and still guarantee the very high precision (a few parts in 10 -6 ) required by LHC. One consequence of this approach was several stages of system tests: factory reception tests, CERN reception tests, integration tests, short-circuit tests and commissioning on the final load in the LHC tunnel. The majority
more » ... of the power converters for LHC have now been delivered, integrated into complete converters and highprecision performance testing is well advanced. This paper presents the techniques used for high-precision testing and the results obtained.
doi:10.1109/pac.2007.4440198 fatcat:wtli6ebhfvdaxj6iuyb7qudu24