Ideographic Distinctions Between Methamphetamine Induced Persistent Psychosis and Schizophrenic Disorders: A Qualitative Clinical Analysis Toward Differential Diagnosis

Reuben Vaisman Tzachor
2019 Open Access Journal of Addiction and Psychology  
though, the co-morbidity rates of Schizophrenia with substancerelated disorders are also high, leading to potential problems with differential diagnosis [1] . What most professionals also seem to agree upon is that whatever the reason, the most critical elements in the biology of schizophrenic disorders is found in the malfunction of neural communication in the brain. Specifically, the malfunction seems to concentrate primarily in neurons whose communication is facilitated by the chemical
more » ... ransmitter called Dopamine. While nerves that utilize Dopamine are involved in many cortical and sub-cortical mental activities, they seem to concentrate in communication of thinking, sensory, motor, and emotional mental processes. The malfunction of Dopamine nerve communication in schizophrenics appears to be rooted in the development of over-zealous activity of neurons which utilize Dopamine. This development in-turn, results in sensory, mental, and emotional activity which largely exceeds normal human experience [2,5].
doi:10.33552/oajap.2019.01.000524 fatcat:hyj52gvcq5d7noickru64oj4y4