Local electronic density of states of a semiconducting carbon nanotube interface

Hajin Kim, Jhinhwan Lee, Sungjun Lee, Young Kuk, Ji-Yong Park, Se-Jong Kahng
2005 Physical Review B  
The local electronic structure of semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes was studied with scanning tunneling microscopy. We performed scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurement at selected locations on the center axis of carbon nanotubes, acquiring a map of the electronic density of states. Spatial oscillation was observed in the electronic density of states with the period of atomic lattice. Defect induced interface states were found at the junctions of the two semiconducting nanotubes,
more » ... hich are well-understood in analogy with the interface states of bulk semiconductor heterostructures. The electronic leak of the van Hove singularity peaks was observed across the junction, due to inefficient charge screening in a one-dimensional structure.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.71.235402 fatcat:c7k7ihijqbg6jndya42lklj6rm