ICT sustavi za poboljšanje sigurnosti na radu u okviru morskih luka
Some ICT Systems for Increasing Occupational Safety with a Reference to the Seaport Environment

Sanja Bauk
2018 Naše More (Dubrovnik)  
The paper presents some commercial ICT (Information and Communication Technology) solutions for increasing workers' safety in invasive environments (e.g., steel industry, mining, construction, oil and gas rigs, seaports, etc.). It has been pointed to the need to increase safety measures, primarily because of the necessity to protect human lives and health, as well as to increase productivity and reduce the costs, which companies and insurance agencies have to cover in the case of accidents. The
more » ... article also briefly describes some alternative solutions that have been examined at the level of simulations, in accordance to the actual needs and available resources at the Port of Bar (South Adriatic Sea). This seaport has been operating during the decades in the transitional conditions and it has been permanently faced with the impediments in providing sophisticated and expensive ICT solutions for occupational safety purposes. Sažetak U radu su prikazana komercijalna ICT (informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije) rješenja za poboljšanje sigurnosti na radu u invazivnom radnom okruženju (npr. industrija čelika, rudnici, gradilišta, naftne i plinske platforme, morske luke, itd.). Pokazuje se potreba poboljšanja sigurnosnih mjera, ponajprije zbog zaštite ljudskih života i zdravlja, kao i zbog povećanja produktivnosti i smanjenja troškova koje kompanije i osiguravateljske kuće moraju pokriti u slučaju nezgoda. U članku se također ukratko opisuju alternativna rješenja koja su ispitana na razini simulacija u skladu sa stvarnim potrebama i raspoloživim resursima u Luci Bar (južni Jadran). Ova morska luka djeluje desetljećima u uvjetima tranzicije i stalno je suočena s preprekama u pružanju sofisticiranih i skupih ICT rješenja za potrebe zaštite na radu. KEY WORDS occupational safety ICT (Information and Communication Technology) harsh environments Port of Bar (South Adriatic Sea) KLJUČNE RIJEČI zaštita na radu ICT (informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije) zahtjevno radno okruženje Luka Bar (južni Jadran)
doi:10.17818/nm/2018/2.5 fatcat:jeu24thfpnfetd24nenyzfi6xq