Caracterização molecular e ocorrência de HPA, oxi, nitro-HPA, íons inorgânicos e traçadores de queima de biomassa em três sítios urbanos latino-americanos [thesis]

Guilherme Martins Pereira
AGRADECIMENTOS Agradeço aos meus familiares, que me apoiaram desde sempre, principalmente nesta longa jornada que foi o doutorado. Agradeço em especial à Prof a . Pérola de Castro Vasconcellos pelo auxílio e incentivo durante todo o período em que estive no GEQAt, sempre foi muito presente em sua orientação. Agradeço aos amigos que fiz no GEQAt, seja pelo auxilio como pela amizade: Sofia, Masini e seus alunos por ceder seus laboratórios e equipamentos. Agradeço aos Profs. Jaílson Bittencourt
more » ... rade e Gisele Olímpio da Rocha por cederem os laboratórios para as análises na UFBA e ao pós doutorando Aldenor Gomes Santos pelo auxílio no laboratório e acolhimento em Salvador. Agradeço pela oportunidade de estágio em seus laboratórios: Dr. Risto Hillamo no Instituto Meteorológico Finlandês, Prof. Prashant Kumar na Universidade de Surrey. Agradeço à Prof a . Maria de Fátima Andrade do IAG/USP pelo auxílio nas amostragens e na aplicação do modelo PMF. Agradeço à CAPES, à FAPESP, ao CNPQ e ao INCT pelo apoio financeiro. Agradeço aos funcionários do IQ/USP. Por fim, agradeço aos amigos que fiz durante a graduação e a pós-graduação no IQ/USP e aos tantos outros amigos pelo apoio emocional neste período! "A utopia está lá no horizonte. Me aproximo dois passos, ela se afasta dois passos. Caminho dez passos, e o horizonte corre dez passos. Por mais que eu caminhe, jamais alcançarei. Para que serve a utopia? Serve para isso: Para que eu não deixe de caminhar" -Eduardo Galeano (As Palavras Andantes) Palavras-chave: Poluição atmosférica, material particulado, transporte de aerossol, íons solúveis em água, hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos, queima de biomassa ABSTRACT Pereira, G. M. Molecular characterization and occurrence of PAHs, oxy-, nitro-PAHs, inorganic ions and biomass burning tracers in three Latin American urban sites. 2018. (173 p.). PhD Thesis -Graduate Program in Chemistry. The particulate matter in the fine and inhalable fractions (PM 2.5 and PM 10 ) collected in three Latin American cities (São Paulo, Brazil; Lima, Peru; and Medellín, Colombia) was chemically analysed in order to investigate the sources of atmospheric pollution and related health risks. In São Paulo, a year-round extensive campaign (2014) was conducted at the University of São Paulo campus (PM 2.5 and PM 10 ) . Intensive campaigns were performed in São Paulo (2010, 2013 and 2014) and in Lima and Medellín (2010). The species such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organic and inorganic ions and the monosaccharides were determined by chromatographic techniques. The carbonaceous species (organic and elemental carbon) were determined by thermal-optical analysis. Trace elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The associated risks to particulate matter exposure based on PAH concentrations were assessed with the indexes benzo[a]pyrene equivalent (BaPE) and lung cancer risk (LCR). In 2010, PM 10 average concentration was higher in São Paulo than in the other two sites; 75 % of the samples presented concentrations above that recommended by World Health Organization. Levoglucosan/mannosan ratios for São Paulo samples suggested sugarcane burning; in 2010 it occurred in 70 % of São Paulo state municipalities. Vehicular related elements (Fe and Cu) also presented higher concentrations in São Paulo. As and Pb concentrations were higher in Medellín, attributed to industrial emissions. Ni was abundant in Lima atmosphere and associated to emissions from metal smelting facilities and ship heavy oil combustion. High BaPE and LCR were observed in most of the samples in São Paulo in the year of 2014, reaching critical values in the wintertime (above 1 ng m -3 and 10 -4 , respectively). Also, PAHs and biomass burning tracers concentrations were higher in this season. The vehicular tracer species were also more abundant in the intensive campaign (wintertime) suggesting the lower dispersion conditions, less rainfall and higher frequency of thermal inversions in that period. Positive matrix factorization provided a better comprehension over the contribution sources affecting the site; five different factors were identified: road dust, industrial emissions, vehicular exhaust, biomass burning and secondary formation. The results emphasized the contribution of vehicular emissions and the significant input from biomass combustion in the dry season (30,9 and 18,3 %, respectively). Most of the particulate matter was due to local sources (vehicular), besides the influence of pre-harvest sugarcane and urban biomass burning. Thus, the results emphasize the importance and contribution of the anthropogenic activities in the air quality for the three latin american cities.
doi:10.11606/t.46.2019.tde-11022019-083642 fatcat:2xv7a2m2fzbzxp6t37taub4suy