Excitation Rate Coefficients for Fine‐Structure Transitions in Oiii

Kanti M. Aggarwal, Francis P. Keenan
1999 Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series  
Collision strengths for Ðne-structure transitions among the levels of the (1s2) 2s22p2, 2s2p3, 2p4, 2s22p3s, 2s22p3p, and 2s22p3d conÐgurations of O III have been computed over a wide range of energies below 13.0 ryd using the R-matrix program. All partial waves with L ¹ 40 have been included to ensure the convergence of results. Excitation rate coefficients, in the form of dimensionless e †ective collision strengths, have also been computed at temperatures below 200,000 K. The results are
more » ... red with available calculations, and accuracy of the data is assessed.
doi:10.1086/313232 fatcat:gbo2ad44jrgbpjlcc6axfrand4