Design and research of home security patrol robots

Kerong Gai, Fengying Zhou, Linshan Zhao
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering   unpublished
With a growing trend of social aging, the issue of "empty-nest" elderly is increasingly serious and children are more eager to keep an eye on the living security of the elderly in real time. In light of the increasing demand on home security monitoring, the real-time performance of existing security monitoring products, privacy and the users "sense of being watched" and other issues, this paper introduces the design of a home security patrol robot prototype which realizes automatic obstacle
more » ... dance, security inspection, automatic charging and remote control and other key technical indicators. In the on-site inspection, the prototype system has shown excellent robustness and flexibility while meeting the designated indicators
doi:10.2991/icmse-15.2015.245 fatcat:hwrwc4zumjbstfnyeyf6jhd4x4