Rinku K. Solanki .
2013 International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology  
Every country uses their own way of designing and allocating number plates to their country vehicles. This license number plate is then used by various government offices for their respective regular administrative task like-traffic police tracking the people who are violating the traffic rules, to identify the theft cars, in toll collection and parking allocation management etc. In India all motorized vehicle are assigned unique numbers. These numbers are assigned to the vehicles by
more » ... vel Regional Transport Office (RTO). In India the license plates must be kept in both front and back of the vehicle. These plates in general are easily readable by human due to their high level of intelligence on the contrary; it becomes an extremely difficult task for the computers to do the same. Many attributes like illumination, blur, background color, foreground color etc. will pose a problem.
doi:10.15623/ijret.2013.0207021 fatcat:6baaxrxmwvdnvlcquva25y4liu