Analysis of Building Energy using Automated Weather System Data
자동 기상관측 자료를 이용한 건축물 에너지 분석

Kwi-Ok Lee, Dong-Bae Kang, Kang-Yoel Lee, Woo-Sik Jung, Je-Hean Sim, Seong-Hwan Yoon
2014 Journal of Environmental Science International  
EnergyPlus is a whole building energy simulation program that engineers, architects, and researchers use to model energy and water use in buildings. Modeling the performance of a building with EnergyPlus enables building professionals to optimize the building design to use less energy and water. This program provides energy analysis of building and needs weather data for simulation. Weather data is available for over 2,000 locations in a file format that can be read by EnergyPlus. However, only
more » ... five locations are avaliable in Korea. This study intends to use AWS data for having high spatial resolution to simulate building energy. The result of this study shows the possibility of using AWS data for energy simulation of building.
doi:10.5322/jesi.2014.23.3.493 fatcat:cfy24u62arbjfkskaeyboqqqh4