Clinical and Radiological Features of Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 [post]

Hui Juan Chen, Jie Qiu, Biao Wu, Zhen Ping Wang, Yang Chen, Feng Chen
2020 unpublished
Background: Confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is still increasing, detailed analysis of confirmed cases may be beneficial for disease control.Methods: To describe the clinical and radiological findings of patients confirmed with COVID-19 infection in Haikou, China.Results: A total of 67 patients confirmed with COVID-19 infection were included in this study. 50 were imported cases. Most infected patients presented with fever and cough. The typical CT findings of lung lesions
more » ... were bilateral, multifocal lung lesions (52[78%]), with subpleural distribution, and more than two lobes involved (51[78%]). 54 (81%) patients of COVID-19 pneumonia had ground glass opacities. Consolidation was in 30 (45%) patients, crazy paving pattern or interlobular thickening in 17 (25%), adjacent pleura thickening in 23 (34%) patients. Additionally, baseline chest CT did not reveal positive CT findings in 7 patients (23%), but 3 patients presented unilateral ground glass opacities at follow-up. Importantly, the follow-up CT findings were fitted well with the clinical outcomes.Conclusions: Chest CT could be used as an important tool for early diagnosis of COVID-19, monitoring the disease evolution, judging the treatment effectiveness and predicting the clinical outcomes.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:5hzdunfcmzes3b47r3fxyf6rby