Assessment of the Business Environment Competitiveness in the Czech Republic and EU

Eva Hamplová, Kateřina Provazníková
2014 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
The article focuses on the analysis of business conditions in the Czech Republic and looks for the answers to the questions why the Czech Republic´s rating in relation to other EU member countries, the OECD and the whole world is not very good. To analyse business conditions we use the World Bank´s study -Doing Business 2013 -Smarter Regulations for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises, which has been assessing and comparing business conditions on global scale for ten years. The data are current
more » ... of June 2012 representing the result of an extensive and highly specialized data processing. Selection and peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Gülsün A. Başkan
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.616 fatcat:vtw6zhgnlzcx5p4fqlbgennwf4